A page from one of my sketch books (watercolour)
Not Another Watercolour painting the overview of why and how I use sketching as a learning tool. So far there are three completed chapters to the set, more will be added as soon as I can get around to the task, time being my enemy at present. EAch contains many example of sketches in several different media.
1. sketching on location (tba)
2. sketching trees
3. sunsets and sunrise
4. finding inspiration (tba)
5. Sketching In The Lake District ( UK) (tba)
6. Choosing colours to paint the seasons
7. Sketching water ( tba)
A pencil sketch, with lines to helpwith redrawing in the studio
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A charcoal sketch overpainted with watercolour
One of what I call my "turnerisms", very quick sketches of skies, etc. Named after Turner of course.
I am following your tutorials with interest and finding them very useful, thankyou for sharing.